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Contraste Europe is a company incorporated under the law of Belgium (registered for VAT under the number BE 451.992.086 Company number 0451.992.086) and having its headquarters at Avenue Arianelaan N°5 - 1200 Brussels, Belgium.
Contraste is the commercial name for the activities of Contraste Europe Belgium (VAT BE 0451 992 086), Contrast Consulting (VAT BE 0882 716 826), Amsit (VAT BE 0464 043 149), Amsit Luxembourg (VAT LU 175 363 33), defimedia (VAT BE 0446 689 057), Audaxis (VAT BE 0473 965 556), Audaxis France (VAT FR 5833 499 2005), Audaxis Luxembourg (VAT LU 176 894 51), The Digital Journey (VAT BE 0680 497 758).
Here at Contraste, we care for your privacy. That is why we have taken appropriate measures to ensure that the data you have provided to us is always secure. If you have any questions related to GDPR compliance or data protection, please contact our Privacy Team : contrasteprivacy@contraste.com
To learn more about how we comply with GDPR and, as a result, care for the security and privacy of personal data we collected from you, visit this page.
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