
Workflow templates
A workflow template is a definition of a workflow, organizing the orchestration of the different steps in a collaborative process or the automatic flow of documents coming from a system up to archiving and delivery.
Each workflow template defines a workflow consisting of one or more documents, the source of these documents, what actions need to be done on these documents and what data is needed to complete these steps.
Hereafter the components of the definition :
- The used data structure
- The documents or templates used
- The pre processes performed on the data or templates
- Who can do what in which sequence (Manage, Edit, Approve, Sign)
- The processes before freezing the bundle (e.g. QR code adding, Signature block preparation)
- The signing tools and sequences
- The postprocessing (Archiving, eMailing, Notifications, upload of data in downstream systems)
Workflow Engine
The workflow Engine monitors an initiated workflow. It adapts the status of the workflow based on the actions performed by the users or external applications via rest API’s.
For example, when all amenders are ready with amending, the workflow engine will change the status of the workflow to ‘Validation’ when there are users defined to do the validation. If not he will automatically go to the next step.
A Sample of the implementation of the workflow tool
In this sample, eContracts flow & digital signing application, we see the typical process of contract creation. At the start we collect some basic data like companies, persons and addresses. We use these data to fill predefined templates. In the next step the users are amending the documents and once finished the documents need to be approved.
In the next step the documents are signed by the different parties. The last step is the distribution and the archiving.